Appreciate Diverse Perspectives
Articulate their personal value system and analyse the effects of actions that repress social pwoer and limit the expression of diverse views.
Progression Points - Students Can:
articulate a personal value system and analyse the effects of actions on other people’s perspectives and ability to express them (yr 10)
explain the relationship between values, beliefs and accepted social practices and respond accordingly when in diverse social contexts
acknowledge the values, opinions and attitudes of different groups within society and compare these. (yr 8)
demonstrate awareness that there are a range of influences that determine peoples values and beliefs
identify the values, opinions and attitudes of different groups
Subject Mapping
English |
Mathematics |
Science |
History |
Humanities |
Geography |
Economics & Business |
Civics & Citizenship |
Account for different interpretations and points of view. |
Recognise and consider multiple perspectives and ambiguities, and use strategies to negotiate and resolve contentious issues. |
Dance |
Drama |
Media Arts |
Music |
Visual Arts |
Digital Technologies |
Design & Technologies |
Health and Physical Ed |
Investigate how empathy and ethical decision making contribute to respectful relationships. |
Work Studies |