Recognise Personal Qualities & Achievements Assess their strengths and challenges and devise strategies to achieve future success.Progression Points - Students Can: assess the effectiveness of strategies and devise personally appropriate goals to achieve future success (yr 10) develop strategies to work on their areas for improvement make a realistic assessment of personal abilities and achievements, and prioritise areas for improvement (yr 8) explain how personal strengths and challenges can influence others identify personal strengths and challenges Subject Mapping English ACELT1814 Create literary texts that reflect an emerging sense of personal style and evaluate the effectiveness of these texts. Mathematics Science History ACDSEH147 The contribution of migration to Australia's changing identity as a nation and to its international relationships. Geography Economics & Business Civics & Citizenship Dance ACADAR025 Evaluate their own choreography and performance, and that of others to inform and refine future work. Drama Media Arts Music Visual Arts Digital Technologies Design & Technologies Health and Physical Ed Work Studies ACWSCL006 Investigate a wide range of occupations, and the skills and personal qualities required in these fields.