Outdoor Experience Capability Progession Points
Year 10
Year 9
Year 8
Year 7
Year 6
Students analyse technical skills and knowledge allowing them to engage in a range of outdoor activities safely in multiple contexts.
Students develop, apply and explain technical skills and knowledge required to complete a range of outdoor activities safely.
Students apply skills required for the safe participation in a range of outdoor activities.
Students identify and with assistance apply skills that are required for a range of outdoor activities.
With assistance, students identify some skills that are required for a range of outdoor activities.
Year 10
Year 9
Year 8
Year 7
Year 6
Students identify and explain the link between different ways of experiencing the outdoors and a person's physical, psychological and social wellbeing.
Students can identify the different ways they have experienced the outdoors and the positive impact this had on them.
Students can identify a way of experiencing the outdoors and the positive impact this has on them.
Students can enjoy the outdoors and identify its impact upon their wellbeing in the moment.
Students can enjoy being in the outdoors.
Year 10
Year 9
Year 8
Year 7
Year 6
Students analyse moments where they felt connected to the environment.
Students describe moments where they felt connected to the environment.
Students define aspects of the natural environment that they connect with.
Students identify aspects of the natural environment in which they are comfortable and seek pleasure in.
Students seek pleasure in the natural environment.